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2004 Novacon
Photographs by Peter Weston

Peter Weston writes: Arriving in mid-afternoon, I settled into my usual place at the bar and looked for Langford. It was still pretty quiet in the hotel but right on cue Dave came through the door and in time-honoured fashion I offered him a pint of old Sheep-Dip.

It took a little while to arrive because the bar staff were very busy; one fiddled with paperwork while the other slowly and methodically counted every single penny in the till before acknowledging our existence. Fortunately, Dave made good use of the time to make absolutely sure no one would remain unaware his fanzine was Eligible for a Hugo Award next year, thrusting Ansible at every passer-by, whether they were fans, waiters, or football supporters. He pressed an unwanted copy on me, even though I said I'd read the electronic edition that very morning and rattled off a few quotes to prove it. Dave then told a credulous Arnold Aiken how he planned to sell-off some of his 'surplus' Hugos, these being acquired when he'd won more than one in a particular year, the dog.

Read the rest of Peter's Novacon report at, but come back here for the photos!

Click on each picture for a larger image

Martin welcomes us all

Steve introduces H.G.Wells

H.G. tells us what for

Steve & Alice Lawson in costume for Opening ceremony

Quick-change Yvonne Rowse

Ian Watson & Storm Constantine (Storm was NOT in costume!)

Flick & Mike Scott in black & white

Steve Lawson

l to r, Keith Williams, Alice Lawson, Sue Williams, Yvonne Rowse, someone I don't recognise, Julia Daley

Tobes holds forth!

Ian Sorensen, Julia Daley, Sue Williams

Gerry Webb, Mali, Doreen Rogers

Alison Weston, Dave Lally, Eileen Weston

Alison Weston, Mark Meenan, Eileen Weston

Roger Robinson

Mark Meenan, Doreen Rogers, Alison Weston, Eileen Weston

Yvonne Rowse, Noel Collier, Lilian Edwards

PatMcMurray and Liluri in Bridal Nook

Colin Langeveld, Alison Weston, Mark Meenan

Flick & Mike entwined

PatMcMurray and Liluri in Bridal Nook

Langford holds court, with (l to r), Arnold Aiken, Arthur Cruttenden, Erhard Leder, Pat Curzon, Phil Nye

Jim Walker, Arnold Aiken, Pete Weston

Martin Hoare, Jim Walker, Arnold Aiken

Martin Tudor, Lennart

Ian Sorensen, Martin Easterbrook, Yvonne Rowse

Ian Watson, Eve Harvey, Gwyneth Jones on panel


Last revised: 13 December, 2004

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