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The True History of the Corflu Guest of Honor, by David Bratman.
Serendipitous in Seattle, by David Levine.
In the Midst of Life, Dr. Fandom, by Ted White.
Days of Fandom, edited by Andy.
Letters to ftp, by Victor M. Gonzalez.
Dispatches to Apak, by the many valued correspondents.
Fanzine Countdown, Extended Edition, by Andy Hooper.
APPARATCHIK is the Alexandra Potskhvershvili of fandom, a Georgian genius of the four-stringed spadeshaped tchonguri lute, who unwittingly became a familiar name to students of the New School in the 1940s, through bootleg copies of Soviet pressings. Who knows into whose hands we may one day fall? Apak is still available for the usual, but note that trades must be sent to all three editors. Or you can get Apparatchik for $3.00 for a 3 month supply, or a year's worth for $12.00 or a lifetime subscription for $19.73, or in exchange for a completely alien gene to inject into our biosphere.
For readers in the United Kingdom, Martin Tudor will accept #10.00 for an annual subscription, #19.37 for a lifetime sub, from 24 Ravensbourne Grove, Off Clarke's Lane, Willenhall, West Midlands, WV13 1HX, UK. Australian readers can subscribe through Irwin Hirsh, 26 Jessamine Ave., East Prahran, Victoria 3181 Australia, for $4.50 (single issue), $17.00 (annual) and $28.09 (lifetime) Australian.
Visit number since May 16th, 1997.