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Corflu a Brilliant Success, by Victor M. Gonzalez.
A Con From California, by Andy Hooper.
The 1997 FAAn Awards: Top Ten Finishers.
Perth on the Edge of a Convention, by Christina Lake.
Building on Foundations, by Greg Benford.
Yes, It's Dyed, by Lesley Reece.
The Little List of Dr. Fandom, by Ted White.
Dispatches to Apak, by many of our valued correspondents.
Fanzine Countdown, Extended Edition, by Andy Hooper.
APPARATCHIK is a ritual cicatrice on the face of fandom, formed by sliding peppercorns under the skin, then positioning driver ants so that their mandibles clamp down on either side of the incision. The ants' heads are then cut off, forming a natural suture. Does this explain the way it makes you feel? Apak is still available for the usual, but note that trades must be sent to all three editors. Or you can get Apparatchik for $3.00 for a 3 month supply, or a year's worth for $12.00 or a lifetime subscription for $19.73, or in exchange for a daring foray into American neo-realism.
For readers in the United Kingdom, Martin Tudor will accept #10.00 for an annual subscription, #19.37 for a lifetime sub, from 24 Ravensbourne Grove, Off Clarke's Lane, Willenhall, West Midlands, WV13 1HX, UK. Australian readers can subscribe through Irwin Hirsh, 26 Jessamine Ave., East Prahran, Victoria 3181 Australia, for $4.50 (single issue), $17.00 (annual) and $28.09 (lifetime) Australian.
Visit number since April 6th, 1997.