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Seen any blinding lights lately? Andy Hooper tells us how the aliens are coming to invade our favorite TV programs.
Ted White explains his aggression behind the wheel and why it's good for you.
Lesley Reece reveals her tabloid past.
. . . And as before we end with Andy's Fanzine Countdown.
APPARATCHIK is the Jeffery Maier of fandom, a twelve-year-old boy from Old Tappan, New Jersey, who reached out with his glove in the 7th inning of a play-off game between New York and Baltimore in Yankee stadium, and stole the ball from enemy fielder Tony Tarasco. The umpire incorrectly called the ball a home-run, making Jeffery an instant hero. But it's worth noting that someone stole the ball from him, and they now plan to sell it to the highest bidder. Apak is still available for the usual, but note that trades must be sent to both Andy and Victor (carl just wants the good ones, sent care of Andy), and/or you can get Apparatchik for $3.00 for a 3 month supply, or a year's worth for $12.00 or a lifetime subscription for $19.73, or in exchange for Al Capp's jawbone.
For readers in the United Kingdom, Martin Tudor will accept #10.00 for an annual subscription, #19.37 for a lifetime sub, from 24 Ravensbourne Grove, Off Clarke's Lane, Willenhall, West Midlands, WV13 1HX, UK. Australian readers can subscribe through Irwin Hirsh, 26 Jessamine Ave. East Prahran, Victoria 3181 Australia, for $4.50, $17.00 and $28.09 Australian.
Visit number since October 4th, 1996.