[APAK logo] Issue #74, February 14th, 1997

Apak Stat Box 3: Frequency
compiled by Victor M. Gonzalez

Apak Stat Box 1: Letters of Comment
Apak Stat Box 2: Writers

A total of 70 issues of Apparatchik were published in 988 days from issue #1 (March 17, 1994) through issue #70 (Nov. 22, 1996), an overall average of one issue every 14.11 days. A total of 556 pages were published, a rate of .56 pages per day.

Apak's schedule has changed twice, from weekly to bi-weekly (#11, June 16, 1994), and from biweekly to triweekly (#65, Aug. 8, 1996). The longest gap was the 35 days between issues #10 and #11, 21 days more than scheduled.

I am assuming an overall start date of March 10, 1994, seven days before the first issue was published.

Apak was published 24 times in 1994, 25 times in 1995, and 22 times in 1996.

For timebinding purposes, #1 is dated March 17, 1994; #11, June 16; #21, Nov. 17; #31, April 6, 1995; #41, Aug. 24; #51, Jan. 18, 1996; #61, June 7.

Apak Article and Column Totals, Issues #1 - 70
Issue #1 - 10 10 3/10/94 5/19/94 70 7
Issue #11 - 64 54 5/20/94 7/18/96 790 14.63
Issue #65 - 70 6 7/19/96 11/22/96 126 21
Total 70 3/10/94 11/22/96 988 14.11

Unscheduled Apak Gaps, Issues #1 - 70

Apak is a total of 49 days behind its announced schedule, not including changes of fewer than 7 days. The largest gaps are:

We went to Israel for the wedding. They flew over two hundred of us.

[APAK logo] Issue #74, February 14th, 1997

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